To start off with I didn't think that I would be writing about Dirt again, but I changed my mind. The fourth episode of this season was another great one. Things come out in some of the characters past that some didn't want to leak out. Holt McLaren was claimed to be apart of a white supremacy group which was not the case. Holt's father was a bigot, who is always trying to steal the lime light from Holt, but Lucy Spiller sees right through it. Just more Hollywood fake secrets to come out to try and destroy ones career.
While that mess was unfolding, Lucy Spiller was trying to get the Dark Guardian costume from a new action movie that was up and coming in Hollywood. Typical of Lucy to get it to put it in Dirt Now. So she goes as far as sleeping with the action star of the movie to get the costume.
In the meantime Don Konkey's brother is injured in an automobile accident. So being Don, he gets the picture of the Dark Guardian costume through his sources leading to it, and goes to visit his brother in the hospital.
There is much more to see in the rest of the episodes coming up this season.
To look more into the show Dirt checkout the website:
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